Clothing + Armor at Hearthlands

All players are human, or human in appearance.
Male and female players may choose to be a warrior or non-combatant.

  • Combatant and noncombatants may wear dresses or finer garb in camp and to feasts, but all combatants must be in combat garb suitable for action sports for anything that involves intentional fighting (such as quests, the arena, or battles).
  • All role types are open to players. There are no restrictive classes such as “archer” or “paladin.”
  • As all players are human and living in a gritty and practical human world, the armor and weapons should reflect that. Nothing crazy, impractical, or super high fantasy concept. Think, “if it would not fit on screen in Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, or the Middle Ages, then it is out of place.”
  • You may look at the Hearthlands Instagram (@thehearthlands), or Fell & Fair’s Instagram (@fellandfair) if you need references and ideas.
  • Keep it gritty, keep it subdued, keep it mysterious!

If you are having trouble putting together a kit for your character, Fell & Fair offers Rentals! You can rent a full kit, weapons or shields, and even tents here.

All kits, weapons, and in-game accessories must be approved by event leadership.

For kit approval: email and include links and photos.

For inspiration look to the Hearthguard IG profile

Kit Guidelines


The Hearthguard are based off eight century Viking Raiders. This encompasses Nordic Europe and Nordic influenced Anglo-Saxon aesthetics. We encourage hallmark Norse looks such as tablet woven trim and belts, leg wraps, apron dresses, Viking style cloaks and jewelry, as well as furs.


The Hearthguard colors are dark red/maroon with brown, gray and tan accents.

Keep in mind you want a historically accurate red, nothing synthetically bright or cherry red. When looking for kit items online look for maroon, port, wine, ruby etc., not scarlet.

You may not wear the colors of another faction from Weekend Warrior Experience; this includes black as a primary part of your kit as that is reserved for the Kingsmen. No major part of your kit can be black, though very small amounts of black can be used otherwise (such as belts, gloves, and other small accent pieces). Blackened armor is permitted, but keep in mind blackened armor with gold/bronze/brass accenting will look like Kingsmen kit pieces and will not be approved, always keep the color schemes in mind!

While other Weekend Warrior faction colors cannot be worn as a part of your kit, other colors outside of red/brown/black/white/gray can be used in minor forms of detail. For example, if you wanted to paint your family crest that included a rose on your shield, you are allowed to use green for the stem and leaves. Or if you are embroidering a cloak with butterflies, you would be allowed to use small amounts of blue or yellow thread in your stitching. The accenting must be minor, and no major parts of your kit (such as tunics, pants, hoods, cloaks, or leg wraps) can incorporate these colors. If unsure, always send in an email to check.


Fabric - We suggest using natural linen and wool as much as possible and staying away from any synthetic (polyester) materials. Here is the official linen used by Fell & Fair and the linen we love most for making our own kit items. This color of red is official Hearthguard red.

Paint - The official paint code is Olympic Brick Dust Flat OL682.6


Your main priority is that you do not want fabrics that look synthetic. Not only does synthetic look modern, but you will also be fighting and sweating and spending lots of time in the sun. Natural fabrics breathe where synthetic does not. Wearing linen and even wool will be much more comfortable for you. As always, choose a darker, natural looking red; avoid bright colors.

Tunics - We recommend Fell & Fair, Grimfrost, Burgschneider, and Medieval Collectibles

Outside of a select number of approved berserkers, a tunic must always be worn. For those who have been allowed to go bare chested on the battlefield, these players are still required to wear a tunic outside of camp and battle for the comfort of other players. Sleeveless tunics are further reserved for berserkers.

Pants - are an easier part of kit, most of us thrift ours. Linen pants are easy to find secondhand and most natural fabric, loose pants are easy to pass off as historical, so long as there are no modern/obvious seams/pockets visible. But for many players, between a tunic hitting mid-thigh and leg wraps hitting your knees, only a few inches of pant leg show. Just remember comfort is your priority along with aesthetic. Find something that breathes and has plenty of room to fight in. Other soft kit items that are great to start with are Viking style hoods or a simple cloak.

Weather in South Carolina varies by extremes, and while it can be hot in the day, nights are usually chilly. Layers will be your best friend to deal with any variation of weather be it hot, cold, rain, or shine. Keep in mind once again, natural fibers will always serve you better than synthetic. Real wool keeps you far warmer and dryer than anything else and linen/cotton/muslin will always breathe and keep you cooler than other options.

Dresses - we encourage the Norse styled apron dress and underdress. Other styles are permitted but should be submitted for approval before purchasing/making. Please avoid styles with a corset or a Renaissance faire look, as they are outside our culture and time period.

Skirts/kilts are not permitted for combatants on the battlefield under any circumstance. If a dress is worn while fighting, pants must be worn underneath without exception.

Furs - Real and fake furs alike are a Hearthguard favorite, for aesthetic and practical use. Just remember that if the furs are fake, they must look real and be based off of a real-world animal. Also remember that Full Wolf/Coyote headdresses are reserved strictly for the berserkers as a mark of rank, so if you are not a berserker you will not be permitted to wear a full ceremonial fur headdress.

Jewelry - Jewelry must look historical with some believability. You cannot wear modern chains etc. Do remember that we use jewelry as a mark of rank. Torc bracelets are used as our ranking system and should not be worn aesthetically, rather earned. The number of torc bracelets worn by a player is a mark of years played and honors given. Further, torc necklaces are reserved strictly for officers to denote leadership. Other styles of jewelry outside of torcs are allowed so long as they do not look modern.

Shoes - Shoes need to be prioritized as brown/tan or gray. Some black shoes will be allowed on a case by case basis and must be approved. No modern zippers or shoelaces should be visible. An easy option to cover shoes that do not quite pass as historical are boot gaiters or other pieces/scraps of leather. Keep in mind if you are searching for historical shoes to buy that you want something with tread and arch support or room to add shoe inserts. Comfort and support are high priorities for an extremely active weekend. Our new location is full of technical terrain including woods, steep paths, a stream in a gulley, and bridges. Well fitting, comfortable footwear that you will not slip in should be one of your highest priorities in your kit building. (Pair wool socks with your shoes for optimal protection against blisters/cold/general larp suffering.)


Healers need to have some form of natural white cloth incorporated into their kit to be easily identifiable as such. This piece of your kit must be worn on the battlefield so other players can identify you as a noncombatant and a healer. Many healers favor aprons or head wraps, though it can be simple as a chunk of fabric worn as a sash or bandana; it just needs to be easily recognized.

Always keep in mind to avoid stark white cloth and favor natural colors or softer forms of bleaching.


Within the historical context of the Norse, we are very limited on armor, and that’s where the fantasy element comes in. We wear chainmail as well as lamellar, leather studded/ leather armor and padded gambesons.

Leather Armor - must be brown or tan or very natural/dark looking red and cannot look too fantasy. Fell & Fair has a great option, that is easily customizable. Black leather armor is not permitted whatsoever. Nothing elven or fantastical will be approved (if it looks like it can be in the Witcher or Wheel of Time it will not be approved). Leather armor is one of the more difficult things to judge because it is inherently fantasy, but the look we want to go for is Lord of the Rings or the Last Kingdom versus Vikings Valhalla.

Always check that the armor you want to buy is approved before you order it.

Plate Armor - We are highly restricted on our wearing of plate. A great example of the plate armor aesthetic we allow is the work of Enric Pujol. Plate armor can be made of any metal but we normally refer to it as "steel" in regards to hit points and rules.
Plate is required to be stylized in Norse design work, which is necessary to looking Viking adjacent while also wearing plate, since in actuality there is no crossover historically. If you find another seller or wish to make your own plate, it must look as close to Enric’s armor as possible. This means if you make your own, it must still be etched/heavily covered in Norse design work. Plain plate will not be approved. Plate armor painted red will absolutely not be approved; we cannot look like red Kingsmen! Keep your plate armor pieces to pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves. Plate cuirasses, plackarts, poleyns, and couters will not be permitted.

No large/spiked pauldrons are allowed. And while we do wear and encourage armor, if it is easily identifiable as coming from a time period or culture not associated with the Norse it will not be approved. For example, we would not allow Crusader bucket helmets or 15th century European shoulder pauldrons. This also extends to weapons. We favor the ocular helm or the official Fell & Fair helmets, but always remember they must look believably Viking.

If you make or buy armor not within the guidelines, you will be told you cannot wear it; this is not negotiable.

Weapons + Shields

Weapons - All weapons should be professionally made foam combat weapons (no boffer/homemade) they should look appropriate to the time period. Weapons that do not fit the time period or aesthetic will not be allowed; for example, no morning stars, massive hammers, or an 18th century fencing sword.

Bows and arrows - Your bow must be under a 35-pound draw when pulled at 28 inches. Your bow will be tested on site, and if it does not meet these requirements, you will not be permitted to use it. While standard bows that are very low pound draw can be used, remember they too must look historical and can not be black chrome and modern looking. Larp grade foam head arrows must also be used. No handmade weapon of any kind can be used. Screw on tip arrows are NOT allowed.

Fell & Fair has a stock of custom longbows that are pre-approved available during their in-person shopping days.

Shields - Hearthgaurd use round shields and round shields only. We favor shields 60cm and larger for optimal use in the shieldwall. For weapons we favor swords, axes, spears, and bows.

Do Not Bring

If leadership sees you wearing any of the following items at Hearthlands, you will be asked to remove them to avoid affecting others immersive experience:

  • Modern clothing (inside play area, such as jeans or synthetic materials)
  • Modern tennis shoes
  • Modern button-down shirts
  • Berets/bonnets
  • Easily recognizable and specific emblems from history or fantasy (Crusader cross, White Tree of Gondor, Stark Direwolf, etc..)
  • Pirate hats/any pirate-looking clothing
  • Modern bandanas (if you feel the need for a cloth to cover your head/neck we recommend a subdued fabric in your faction’s colors)
  • Corsets
  • Boffer weapons
  • Any historical gear from outside the 8th-14th century. (that means no Romans, Greeks, musketeers, etc...)
  • Bright colors, anything neon especially. The rule of thumb is that your kit pieces can be darker shades of the faction main color, but not lighter shades.
  • Plastic armor
  • Fairy/elven/orc equipment. While orcs and elves do exist in the WW universe, they are almost forgotten by humans.
  • Kilts (no Scots or Greeks here I’m afraid!)
  • Crowns, coronets, circlets, crown-like headbands. There are certain predetermined royalty/nobility positions in the game and they must be easily identified by their crowns. Therefore, please refrain from wearing these items
  • Wide-brimmed hats
  • Human skull props/designs incorporated into kit/armor/shields (animal skulls are allowed but must be approved)
  • Weapons & illegal substances of any kind.

Please review our full suggested packing list on the Travel + Stay page.

All kits, weapons, and in-game accessories must be approved by event leadership.

Kit approval - email and include links and photos.